Shobhit Prabhakar’s weblog on Technology, Web designing, Programming, Photography and other stuff.

The longest word in english language.

The word Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is officially the longest word in English language. It means “a lung disease caused by the inhalation of very fine silica dust, mostly found in volcanos”. So let’s break it down to understand it better: pneumono = related to lungs (Latin, from Greek) ultra = beyond (Latin, as in “ultraviolet”) microscopic = […] : Reverse IP check.

IP address:
Reverse DNS: [No reverse DNS entry per]
Reverse DNS authenticity: [Unknown]
ASN: 15169
IP range connectivity: 1
Registrar (per ASN): ARIN
Country (per IP registrar): US [United States]
Country Currency: USD [United States Dollars]
Country IP Range: to
Country fraud profile: Normal
City (per outside source): Mountain View, California
Private (internal) IP? No
IP address registrar:
Known Proxy? No
Link for WHOIS:

Simple parking domain server.

Probably a lot of you are trying to understand how it works a parking domains server. You may have some ideas about how to do a new bussines with your registered domains and a private parking domain server. If you have already some domains on some parking domains servers then you already have traffic on […]

VERY cool collection of high speed photographs.

I’ve never seen so many in one place. Kept me amused for hours. read more | digg story

Here is a beta service [ Google Romance ] from Google, announced on April 1, 2006. With Google Romance, you can: Upload your profile “tell the world who you are, or, more to the point, who  you’d like to think you are, or, even more to the point, who you want others to think you […]

The following top secret technology description has been sourced directly from the Google [ ]. The technology behind Google’s great results  As a Google user, you’re familiar with the speed and accuracy of a Google search. How exactly does Google manage to find the right results for every query as quickly as it does? […]

Power of Gmail for your own Domain name

Gmail is releasing a new service for website owners that would allow them to use their own domain names instead of In other words Gmail will handle all the mail related stuff for your domain name. The service is currently Beta stage and it is available to limited parties only. If you think you […]

Hand crafted results
When all else fails, and the ranking algorithms do not pass the confidence threshold, we fall back to delivering handcrafted results. Working on a team of approximately 132 other handcrafters in 26 worldwide markets, you will receive a user query, use all the available search engines to quickly scour the web for results, pick the top 10 results for this query, and send it on to the user. Successful handcrafters can typically find top 10 results for a real-time user’s query in less than 3.8 seconds. This is an opportunity to truly connect with customers, because the queries that get routed to you are precisely the ones that the engine cannot answer well. We will have adequate staffing to allow generous coffee and bathroom breaks.
If you are an expert at using at least 3 different search engines, well versed with American English/colloquial usage, and can type at > 149 words/minute as measured by the Simia-Lico method – come join us and delight users real-time!

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