Shobhit Prabhakar’s weblog on Technology, Web designing, Programming, Photography and other stuff.

So, you have a geek girlfriend or want to impress some geek girl. You can try following tip or I should say inadvertent Google easter egg. Its pretty simple, just ask her to search following string on Google: (sqrt(cos(x))*cos(200x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.01, sqrt(9-x^2), -sqrt(9-x^2) from -4.5 to 4.5 For impatient or lazy, curious dudes here is a shortcut […]

Love Love go away, Come again another day

First of all I would like to declare that I am not against Love. Love is the essence of life and vital of everyone. But I hate how some corporate people have glorified and promoted a single day for Love. Today, the 14th Feb is globally known as Valentine’s day; A day when you are […]


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